Author: Admin Team

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From Push to Pull: How the Digital Age has Changed Marketing

You may not realize it, but we are amid a Fourth Industrial Revolution. In this case, the shift of technology and society as we adapt to the digital age. The increasing advent of digital technology has affected every aspect of our society. It has changed how we work, go to school, shop, travel, and receive our medical care. Things that seemed like science fiction as little as 10 years ago

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building trust with clients
dental practice management

How Communication helps Dental Practices Build Trust with Clients

Business owners, no matter what business they might be in, need to build trust with their customers in order to sustain long-term success. For a dental practice, building trust is especially important—and, at times, difficult. Are you having difficulty engaging your patients? Have you experienced obstacles getting patients to proceed with case acceptance and recommended treatments? If you can answer yes to either of these questions, you might be having

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better team meeting

Tips For A More Effective Team Meeting

When was the last time you got excited about a team meeting? Nowadays, meetings are seen as boring, counterproductive, and a waste of time. Here are some tips on how you can make your team meeting more effective than they probably are. However, these tips will only work if you implement them – starting today! Meetings are usually filled with statistics, calls to actions, and sometimes are nothing short of

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Allowing your employees time to deal with family issues

Schools back in session….Take care of the kids

[vc_row no_margin=”true” border=”none”][vc_column width=”1/2″][custom_headline level=”h2″ looks_like=”h5″ class=”mtn”] Helping your employees balance life and work. [/custom_headline][text_output] School is back in session most places or will be soon after Labor Day.  With the new school year comes many exciting opportunities and also challenges in the work place.  It’s not uncommon to have single parents or dual income families thus leaving no one at home to greet the kids when they arrive home

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Help My Employee's Don't Seem to Care

Do You Ever Wonder If They Care?

Keeping it from them won’t help… Do you ever wonder if your employees care? Do they “get it” when you have to make policy changes? Do they see you as heartless when you make budget cuts? Does the community see your company, your organization as active and interested in the growth and vibrancy of the community? If these are some of the questions you struggle with, then time spent learning

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