Author: Hollie Bryant Foust

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lowering overhead cost
dental consulting

4 Secrets to Lowering Overhead Expenses in your Practice

You went to dental school and pursued continuing education so that you can provide the highest level of dental care to your patients. But going to dental school doesn’t necessarily make a dentist a financial guru. These are two different skill sets. You want to spend your time seeing patients, not poring over financial statements, although your practice’s financials should be a priority. The dental industry experts at Bryant Consultants

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cross train employees
dental consulting

4 Reasons to Cross-Train your Team

Cross-training your team has nothing to do with running. Shew! So don’t worry. You won’t be asked to do laps around the parking lot during your lunch break. Instead, cross-training helps your office achieve more and do more, which increases profitability. Operating a dental practice isn’t just about the money. You became a dentist because you want to help people by delivering the best care as efficiently as possible. Let’s

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investing in your team

Investing in your Team

Are you investing in your team? You might ask, what exactly does investing in my team look like? You may be familiar with financial investments. The goal is to watch it grow. Investing in your team is similar. It allows them to feel empowered, confident, and knowledgeable, and you get to watch them grow professionally. If you invest in your team and they’re happy at work, they’ll be more productive.

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dealing with toxic boss
dental consulting

Expert Tips on Dealing with a Toxic Boss

“People quit people, not jobs.” Have you ever heard of that saying? It’s true. Most people leave their place of employment because of a toxic boss. Disagreeing with your boss is one thing, but working under someone that is always negative, causes dissension, and reduces morale can make life miserable. Unfortunately, many people across the U.S. wake up every morning dreading having to go to work because of a horrible

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dental technology

Are you Utilizing your Technology

Don’t we always wish we had a second set of hands or another person? Perhaps that help is right under your nose, and you’re just not using it. Take a second look at your technology.  Is your office equipped with up-to-date technology, and are you utilizing it to the best of your ability? The technology in the business office can almost be like having another person on the team. At

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dental trends
dental consulting

Are you up to Speed on the Latest Dental Industry Trends?

Even in times of an economic downturn, people still are going to need dental care. So, it’s encouraging to see that, in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic, the dental market in the United States is expected to grow to $30.5 billion by 2027, according to one estimate. The dental industry is expected to remain highly competitive. That’s why it’s vital that you stay ahead of the curve. We have written

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