Author: Hollie Bryant Foust

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dental office could serve as covid testing site

How Dental Offices could serve as COVID Testing Sites

As a dentist, you’re committed to providing quality health care to your community. The COVID-19 pandemic offers a chance for you to serve the community in a new—and urgent—way: by using your office as a coronavirus-testing site. Bryant Consultants, your dental industry experts, is here to explain why you should consider this opportunity if it becomes available to you. How can your practice become a COVID-19 testing location? On April

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what mask is best for my dental practice
dental consulting

What PPE is best for my Dental Practice?

The ADA recently came out with interim mask and face shield guidelines for dental practitioners. With changing recommendations from the CDC, Bryant Consultants wants to ensure dentists and their staff are informed of the differences between various masks that are available in order to ensure that you and your employees utilize the appropriate PPE. Understanding Mask Types Level 1 – You’re probably familiar with surgical masks. Cleared for use by

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marketing dentist can do from home

Marketing Ideas Dentists can do from Home

Marketing your dental practice could be challenging and confusing if you are unsure what needs to transpire or how to do it. With downtime during the pandemic, now is an excellent time to work on marketing ideas that could build relationships with current patients or referring practices, and bring in new patients or customers when businesses can reopen. Therefore, Bryant Consultants is sharing some marketing ideas dentists can do from

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tips to reopen practice after covid 19
dental consulting

10 Tips for Preparing to Reopen your Practice after the Pandemic

By now, we are in the thick of this pandemic. Instead of loathing over reduced hours or gaps in your schedule, spend your energy focusing on moving forward. Once you reopen your practice doors, there will be a need to make some schedule adjustments to best meet patient needs and the practice needs. Many offices have been out of commission for several weeks or more. So, today on the blog,

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dental practice should use online forms
dental consulting

5 Reasons your Dental Practice Website needs Online Forms

Like many businesses across a wide spectrum of industries, your dental practice has had to adjust its routines and policies as our society deals with the COVID-19 pandemic. While the initial shock of the coronavirus has passed, now is the time to plan for a post-COVID dental practice. Consider streamlining your process by making the transition to online forms, which provide a hands-free way of gathering important patient information before

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n95 mask

Kingsport Dental Lab Prints 3D Masks for Healthcare Workers and First Responders

Adaptation and innovation are two big rules in the business world. Both require a willingness to change. The COVID-19 pandemic has created tremendous change in a rather short time, all over the world. For many dental practices, that has meant restricting services to emergent care. Some practices have had to close their doors. Small businesses have been forced to shift to curbside and delivery models or shut down while our

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