Can Dentists Require their Team to get the COVID Vaccine?

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Along with the pandemic came a sedentary lifestyle that is new to many, and most do not enjoy it. Everyone is ready to “return to normal” now that the COVID vaccine is available to select individuals across the nation. Therefore, the dental coaches at Bryant Consultants believe that it is crucial for employers to understand their obligations and rights when requiring your team to get the vaccine. You may have a plan to mandate COVID vaccination in your practice, but the information below can answer some of the most common questions about the process.

How do I motivate my team to get vaccinated?

Motivating others to do something you need them to do can be tricky and challenging. However, when it comes to getting a vaccine, it can be more challenging. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to combat the challenge and motivate your team. Educating your team about the importance of vaccination during team meetings is the first step. The dental office consultants understand some team members may hesitate to get vaccinated because they are unsure about the vaccine or do not have enough information to make an informed decision. Therefore, feel free to share the CDC webpage about Talking to Recipients about COVID-19 Vaccines. After sharing what it is, lead by example and talk openly about your vaccination process. Record videos or take some photos while getting vaccinated and share them with your team in an email or on your social media platforms. As more team members get vaccinated, the stigma surrounding the vaccine should diminish, which could urge skeptical employees to get vaccinated.

Should employees who refuse the vaccine sign a liability waiver?

When an employee declines the vaccine, your liability does not change. A liability waiver that states the employee does not hold the practice responsible if they contract the virus would be a challenging agreement to hold up in court. Employees cannot waive their right to have a safe work environment. Therefore, any liability waiver would become evidence in court that you know you have an unsafe workplace. The dental practice consultants advise clients that if an employee believes they contracted COVID at work, they can file a claim with your workers’ compensation policy for coverage.

So, can I require employees to have the vaccination?

You can, without violating any federal employment discrimination laws, technically require the COVID vaccine. However, freely terminating employees because they are not vaccinated could incur litigation. Therefore, encourage employees to get the vaccine and cut ties with employment policies. Mandatory vaccine policies still need to account for declining the injection due to a medical concern or religious beliefs. Ponder the situation in your head and think through whether you and your staff can accommodate an unvaccinated person.

What is an appropriate response when patients ask if our staff members are vaccinated?

An employee’s personal health information is protected the same as your patients. Therefore, offering patient data that could expose the employee’s unwillingness or inability to get the COVID vaccine is not recommended. When patients inquire about your team’s vaccination, whether you require the vaccine or not, it is best to state you encourage or require your team members to get vaccinated as it becomes available. In the meantime, state that your team is following CDC and state guidelines regarding the novel coronavirus. Feel free to share how you protect them and how you are motivating employees to get vaccinated. However, the dental practice consultants warn against divulging personal information of staff members to protect your practice. However, employees are welcome to share with patients whether they are vaccinated.

If you would like to learn more or schedule a complimentary one-hour consultation, please contact Bryant Consultants by calling (877) 768-4799. We provide consultation, training, and coaching and will continue to post relevant updates regarding the coronavirus pandemic. To ensure that you receive the latest updates, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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