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dental practice manager
dental consulting

What Dental Practice Managers can Learn from the COVID-19 Crisis

COVID-19 changed all of our lives in 2020. Imagine going back a year ago, to last December, and telling the team at your practice that all operations would be shut down the following spring due to a pandemic. As the manager of your dental practice, you know about the challenges we’ve faced since the pandemic began. At times, these obstacles probably felt insurmountable… but you’re still here. Now, with vaccines

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start 2021 off right

Start 2021 off right with a Redesigned Website or Online Marketing Plan

Happy New Year! It’s a new beginning, a clean slate, a re-do if you may. We’re all hopeful that 2021 is far better than last year, and if we can kick COVID to the curb, well, that’s a good start. Realistically though, none of us have much, if little, control over the virus and what it will eventually do this year. But one thing is for certain; you have ultimate

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why google reviews are important

Reasons why Google Reviews mean Everything to your Business

The rise of internet use for daily transactions such as buying and selling products and services will continue to grow as more users join the online community. With an astonishing number of people using Google as a search engine to find answers and information for many topics, how your business appears in the page rankings can dramatically impact your business growth. Therefore, the small business coaches from Bryant Consultants share

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social media love
social media

5 Essential Reminders for Sharing the Social Media Love this Christmas!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re probably aware that social media is more than just popular. It touches practically every corner of the world. As a business, this means that your reach is limitless! While it’s likely that you already have social media accounts for your business, are you using them right? Social media isn’t just about obligatory daily posts, but instead, posting with intention. Not sure where

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keep business afloat

Small Business Coach Shares Tips on Keeping Your Business Afloat During COVID

Businesses around the world continue to suffer as the COVID pandemic rages. Small businesses receive the worst impact, but there are opportunities to move forward, even during uncertain times. By taking time to review your business, assessing concerns, making a plan to work out the problems, and building a support network, you can approach the future with clarity and a renewed sense of purpose. A Bryant Consultants small business coach

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successful dental partnership
Practice Transitions

What it takes for Dental Partnerships to be Successful

Have you ever heard dental partnerships being compared to marriage? Well, hiring a partner for your practice is actually harder than marriage, believe it or not. Both of these scenarios are significant and require commitment, trust, and respect, and it goes without saying that communication is key. They both require that each party involved have mutual understanding and goals toward spending and budgeting. You’ve probably heard the statistic that half

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