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why dentist decide to sale
Practice Transitions

3 Reasons Dentists Decide to Sell Their Practice

Dentists have plenty of reasons why they decide it’s time to sell their practice. Your practice is as unique as you are—no two situations are alike. However, some general rules can guide you if you’re considering selling. That’s why Bryant Consultants came up with this list of three common reasons that dentists decide to sell their practice. Reason 1: Retirement If you’re ending your dental career, selling your practice makes

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best location for dental practice
dental consulting

Tips on Choosing the Best Location for your Dental Practice

When you first decide to take the leap and open your own dental practice, it can be an electrifying but confounding experience. With all of the variables that you have to take into consideration, opening a successful business can boil down to making one major decision: location. Maybe you are considering a newly remodeled property. Alternatively, you could be taking over an existing dental practice. Before you decide on your

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negative online reviews
social media

Expert Tips on Responding to Negative Online Reviews

Customer service in any industry is a leading sales driver to a business’s bottom line. Providing top-notch customer service can increase your sales and customer loyalty. However, when your customers are not happy with their experience, you run the risk of losing the customer for life and feeling their influence through negative online reviews. Your brand image is critical as the lifeblood of your business, so effectively responding to bad

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ways to be star dental assistant
dental consulting

5 Ways to be a Star Dental Assistant and get a Raise

Getting a raise from your dental practice employer can pose some challenges, such as not knowing how to stand out among other workers, or what you can do for the practice, and not knowing where to start. No matter if you are new to the dental assistant role or you are a seasoned assistant with 20 years of experience, the best way to get a raise is to stand out

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building your dream team

Building your Dream Team when Employees don’t Return to Work

The coronavirus pandemic sent a shock wave across the world. Businesses closed, and employees went home to stop the spread of the virus. Although no one knew how long the pandemic or lockdown would last, everyone took precautions to protect themselves, and each other. As the United States begins to reopen businesses, companies are experiencing an employee shortage, as some people do not want to return to work. Instead of

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continuing education
dental consulting

Why Front Office Staff need Continuing Education to Build Credibility

Some members of your front office staff may not see the benefits of continuing education since they aren’t providing direct care to patients. Even if they feel the information is not relevant or useful for them, the knowledge could help them communicate more effectively with other members of the team and help explain procedures and treatments to patients. By encouraging continued education, you could improve the functionality of your practice

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