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wear mask correctly

Guidelines for Wearing a Face Mask Effectively

Face masks are personal protective gear (PPE) that is recommended by the CDC for use during dental appointments. Wearing a face mask to cover your nose and mouth during procedures to prevent contamination and the spread of germs from the likelihood of splashing and spraying blood or and other bodily fluids is critical. However, the protection of the mask is only present when worn correctly. Therefore, your dental practice marketing

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perio bingo

Perio-Bingo Meeting Ice-Breaker!

Every manager knows that meetings are vital for communication with employees. Dental offices are no different. Meetings help deliver scheduling or procedural changes. They highlight successes or issues that need to change. Meetings bring the whole office together. Sometimes they can feel like short family reunions because it might be the only time that every team member is together in one room! While there is so much that goes into

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qualities that make best dental employees
dental consulting

Post-Covid Job Search-Qualities that make the Best Dental Practice Employees

The coronavirus pandemic left many dental professionals without a job. The dental practice that you worked for may not be able to hire you back right now, or in the future. If you decide that looking for a position elsewhere is best for you, make sure you stand out among the other candidates. Finding a quality dental practice to advance your career could be easy, provided you exhibit the qualities

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instagram dos and donts for dentist
social media

Instagram Do’s and Don’ts for Dentists

Instagram is a social media platform that can help you increase brand awareness and engage with your patients in an informative, yet personal way.  Deciding what to post and when to post could increase your following and reach potential patients where traditional marketing efforts fail. To help navigate the Instagram platform, our social media experts at Bryant Consultants are sharing Instagram do’s and don’ts for dentists. Instagram Marketing Etiquette for

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money saving tips post covid 19
dental consulting

Post-Covid Money-Saving Tips for Dental Practices

A common goal of running a business is to save money where you can. In the wake of the recent pandemic, saving money may be top on your list of goals to reach by year-end. Although unexpected expenses occur occasionally, there are several ways to save money within your practice that could increase your profitability. From changing staff responsibilities to assessing your equipment, you could possibly increase your bottom line

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redefine business mission and goals

Tips to Redefining your Company’s Mission and Goals after Covid

Many businesses across the country shuttered their doors due to the coronavirus pandemic. This meant you suddenly found yourself with a lot of extra time on your hands. You may even have thought about changing the direction of your business, or how to really hit the ground running again once you reopen. Whether business was stagnating before the pandemic, or you just want to start out fresh again, it all

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