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handling customer complaints

Best Practices for Handling Customer Complaints Post-Pandemic

Aristotle once wrote, “Anybody can become angry—that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way—that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.” If you work in the service industry, you probably understand the truth behind this statement. Remaining calm and helpful when interacting with an upset

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protect employees when you reopen

8 Ways to Protect your Employees when you Reopen

People across the country are chomping at the bit to reopen, while others plan on sitting at home riding out this pandemic for as long as it takes. But, for many of us, especially business owners, life has to move forward at some point. If your small business is in a city or state that is easing shelter-at-home restrictions, find out eight ways to protect your employees when you reopen.

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accept change gracefully

5 Ways to Accept Change Gracefully

Life is changing, as we know it. How we interact with each other. How we attend church. How our kids learn. And how some of us work. Change can be viewed as something good or bad, depending on your outlook. The key to thriving past COVID-19 is learning how to accept change, and doing so gracefully. Today on the blog, our small business coach at Bryant Consultants wants to share

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top 5 tips for returning to work after pandemic

Top 5 Team Member Tips for Returning to Work Post-Pandemic

States and local officials are slowly lifting shelter-in-place orders, allowing dental offices to open their practice doors. This is the moment that team members and dentists alike have been anticipating for weeks. As you already can imagine, life after COVID-19, including how you carry out your duties at work, will not be the same as before. Our dental trainers at Bryant Consultants want to share the top five team member

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dental practice changes
dental consulting

Letter to Patients – Communicating Practice Changes

The coronavirus pandemic has changed how we live, probably forever. But, let’s not dwell on that. Instead, focus on moving forward, what your practice will learn through this process, and how it will come out on the other side better than it was before. You will experience changes in how patients schedule their appointments, show up to your practice, and wait for treatment, among other things. The most significant factor

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dental practice after covid 19

Patients Want to Know-What do Dental Practices look like after COVID-19?

This question is on the minds of every dental professional and patient alike. Dentists across the country are preparing to reopen their practice doors. It is natural to want to hit the ground running in an attempt to restore normalcy. But, remember to keep the health of you, your team members, and your patients in mind. Dental practices should make modifications to practice operations post-pandemic. Bryant Consultants wants to share

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