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who pays for ppe
dental consulting

Who Pays for your Practice’s PPE?

Your dental practice is reopening, or resuming its normal operations, after shutting down or limiting services during the COVID-19 pandemic. You want to make sure your staff and your patients are protected. That means having an adequate supply of personal protective equipment (PPE). We already provided some guidance to help determine which PPE is ideal for your practice. All that equipment has to come from somewhere—and be paid for by

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reduce no shows
dental consulting

6 Tips to Reducing No-Shows

In running your own dental practice, you come to learn that certain things are inevitable—like people not showing up for their appointments. This has been just part of doing business, but now that you’re reopening your doors after the COVID-19 shutdown, it’s important to maximize your patient flow during each workday. That’s why the dental practice coaches at Bryant Consultants came up with this list of ways to help reduce

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reopening dental practice after covid 19

Reopening Dental Practices after Covid-19

Several states across the country are anticipating reopening businesses as soon as this week. While it still may be some weeks before your state lifts safer-at-home orders, now is the time to prepare for how you will reopen your dental practice. Life likely will not return to normal, the way things were before COVID. This virus will be around for a while, and dental practices will need to plan on

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regain control during coronavirus

4 Tips to Regain Control during the Coronavirus Pandemic

The COVID-19 global pandemic has created unprecedented challenges, the likes of which our society has not faced for more than a century. Crises happen, whether that means an economic crash, a natural disaster, or our current battle against the coronavirus. No matter the circumstance, removing emotion from business situations is crucial to regaining control. That’s why your dental practice coaches at Bryant Consultants composed this list of four ways to

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stay positive during covid 19

How to have a “Glass Half Full” Outlook During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is a global health crisis that the world has not experienced for more than a century. People have lost lives, lost jobs, and closed the doors to their business. They’ve been separated from friends, family, and loved ones. They’ve been stuck at home, possibly wondering how they are going to pay their bills or wondering how to provide the necessities of life to their families. As a

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dental office could serve as covid testing site

How Dental Offices could serve as COVID Testing Sites

As a dentist, you’re committed to providing quality health care to your community. The COVID-19 pandemic offers a chance for you to serve the community in a new—and urgent—way: by using your office as a coronavirus-testing site. Bryant Consultants, your dental industry experts, is here to explain why you should consider this opportunity if it becomes available to you. How can your practice become a COVID-19 testing location? On April

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