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stay calm in crisis

3 Ways not to Lose your Mind During a Crisis

Everywhere we turn, we are inundated with news regarding COVID-19. One news article after the next seems to send us down the rabbit hole of negativity, stress, and anxiety as we all enter a new state of “normal” (whatever that is these days). Psychologists agree that mental health plays a significant role right now during the pandemic. As a dental practice owner, you undoubtedly feel anguish as you wonder how

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achieve practice goals
dental practice management

Tips for Using Downtime to Recenter your Practice Goals

Business goals are an essential aspect of any practice. Although you may have the best technology and employees, there is always room for improvement. The coronavirus pandemic may have you suddenly finding a lot of spare time on your hands. It may be time for you to recenter your practice goals. One of the easiest ways to determine when and where improvements are needed is to step away from the

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follow the four c's

Follow the 4 C’s when Leading your Dental Practice through a Pandemic

Winston Churchill once said, “The difference between mere management and leadership is communication.” This certainly applies to your dental practice. You can be a world-class dentist with an amazing vision, but if you can’t communicate that vision, it won’t do any good. Running your own practice means you have to know how to care for your patients and manage your business, and the root of both of these is leadership.

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social media strategies
social media

5 Social Media Strategies Dentists Should Do Right Now

The coronavirus pandemic has led many practices to modify their office hours or reduce their schedules. As a society, many cities and even entire states are sheltering in place for the time being. This means that people are spending more time than ever on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Bryant Consultants wants to share five social media strategies that dentists should do right now. If you aren’t, you’re

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gift card program during covid 19

Implementing a Gift Card Program for your Business During COVID-19

As an entrepreneur, you pour your heart and soul into your business. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, however, you might be worried about the future. Many states have mandated that “non-essential” businesses close as part of our societal efforts to “flatten the curve” through social distancing. No matter what industry you’re in, you probably need to re-evaluate your business model, and get creative on ways to maintain cash

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maximize technology during coronavirus
dental consulting

How Dental Practices can Maximize Technology during COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic represents an unprecedented challenge for our society. You’ve taken steps at your own dental practice to support public health and “flatten the curve.” Meanwhile, our online world is experiencing rapid growth, which presents endless opportunities for your practice. Bryant Consultants wants to make sure you’re up to speed on the best ways to maximize technology during the COVID-19 crisis. Some Numbers to Know Just look at how

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