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keep dental team busy during coronavirus
dental consulting

How to keep your Dental Team busy during the Coronavirus Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has produced sudden, significant changes in every aspect of our society—including the world of dentistry. After the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 (aka coronavirus) a pandemic on March 11, the American Dental Association issued recommendations on March 16, that all dentists postpone any elective procedures for at least three weeks. Many dental offices, especially those located in cities or states where “shelter in place” or “stay at

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employers guide to working from home

Employer’s Guide to Shifting Employees to Work Remotely during Pandemic

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, businesses are concerned about employees reporting to work, working from home, or closing their doors altogether. A common solution to avoid lost production and keep the business running is to offer employees the opportunity to work from home. But, unless your business already offers remote work, you may be wondering how to implement this change while ensuring your employees remain on track and

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using social media during covid-19
dental consulting

How to use Social Media for your Practice during COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has created an unprecedented time of uncertainty and change in our society. To help navigate this time, Bryant Consultants has already released a coronavirus dental practice plan. Although your patient schedule may not be as busy as usual, there is still plenty of work to do! Social media is an excellent way to remain social and engaging with your patients even though you aren’t seeing them face-to-face.

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benefits of virtual business tours

The Benefits of Virtual Business Tours During COVID-19

Many people are practicing social distancing by staying home right now as much as possible. But, that doesn’t mean you cannot connect with your customers or potential clients. Technology allows you to remain in contact with your customers, and virtual tours are one way to show what your business does, how it’s done, and why your business is the right fit for the job. Bryant Consultants is sharing ways to

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covid small business checklist

Financial Relief on the Horizon for Small Businesses

As of the time that this blog was published, the U.S. Senate is preparing to vote on the “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security” (CARES) Act that could go into effect any day now. The Small Business Administration (SBA) and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce support this Act. The efforts of this Act are to ensure that no small business (with fewer than 500 employees, unless covered by the SBA’s

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remain social during social distancing

Tips for Businesses to Remain Social While Social Distancing

Although people are remaining home while practicing social distancing, businesses have opportunities to show their communities that they are still working to serve them. Keeping your brand on everyone’s mind and remaining connected with your clients or potential clients is important, even throughout a pandemic. When this difficult time is over, you for their needs! Bryant Consultants has some suggestions to help your business remain visible and social during the

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