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team member value

How Team Members Can Create Value for Themselves in the Dental Practice

As a former CDA and team member, now a dental consultant, the Covid-19 pandemic has me thinking about my value as a team member when I was in that role. What value did I bring to the team that would make me someone the practice “needed” in times like this? I want to share with you some of my thoughts. As a member of a team in the dental practice,

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coronavirus screening questions

Coronavirus Prescreening Questions for Dental Practices

By now, you all are well aware of the novel coronavirus pandemic. Bryant Consultants, an on-call dental consulting agency, values the health and safety of our clients similarly as you do for your very own patients. We have a helpful list of questions that you can ask your patients to prescreen for coronavirus. Additionally, we encourage every practice to prescreen patients just prior to their appointment. Patients can be instructed

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using telemedice

Using Telemedicine to Determine Essential vs. Non-Essential Care

The entire world currently is fighting COVID-19, which is affecting people and businesses from all walks of life. The dental industry is no exception. The World Health Organization now deems it a pandemic, as an increasing amount of people test positive. This virus has been reported in more than 150 countries, including the U.S. As the United States takes measures to limit the spread of the coronavirus, the American Dental

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managing cash flow during coronavirus

Tips for Managing your Cash Flow, and Employees during COVID-19

Recent shutdowns, due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), leaves many people feeling apprehensive and unsure of what the next few weeks, or months, and how it will affect business. Already, the ADA has recommended dentists treat only emergency dental needs for the next three weeks. As coronavirus updates continue to change, Bryant Consultants wants dentists to explore different ideas for managing cash flow, and their employees during coronavirus pandemic. Tips

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dental consulting

COVID-19 (Corona Virus) Dental Practice Plan

The coronavirus pandemic has made headlines, leaving many practices wondering how they will continue functioning during a shutdown period. First and foremost, we are all in this together. This is an ever evolving, working plan. We anticipate thriving through this time and coming out stronger. As team members, you all have always been cared for and as employers, we have always worked to do the right thing. Bryant Consultants would

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navigating the coronavirus

Navigating the Coronavirus Outbreak as a Dental Care Professional

The coronavirus pandemic is a fluid situation. Bryant Consultants, a top-rated dental consulting firm, is staying informed, minute-by-minute, of these changes and how it affects our dental clients across the U.S. As of March 16, 2020, the American Dental Association announced that all dentists discontinue elective dental procedures for the next three weeks. All non-emergent care will be rescheduled until after the end of the shutdown. Are you prepared? Find

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