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why and how to contact patients
dental consulting

Why and how to Contact Patients

Technology makes staying in contact with your patients easy. From traditional communication methods, such as the telephone and mail, to the Internet, email, and social media, maintaining communication with patients may actually seem overwhelming at times. How do you know which mode of communication is best for your patients and your practice? Today on the blog, our dental consultants provide the answer to this question. Bryant Consultants recommends contacting your

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effective weekly meetings
dental consulting

4 Components of Effective Weekly Meetings

Team meetings are an excellent opportunity for training and open discussion. It is a time to ensure your team is up-to-speed on the latest advancements and office protocols, and it allows everyone a chance to ask questions and maintain open lines of communication. Weekly meetings also present the perfect opportunity to keep everyone working on the same page and toward the same goals. But, your weekly meetings could be a

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what seo and why you need it

What’s SEO and why your Website needs it

There is a reason why they call it the World Wide Web. Not only does the Internet reach people all around the world, but there also are millions of websites available. Whether your website is for selling goods or promoting a service, it should include search engine optimization or SEO, which increases the visibility of your website when someone searches for specific keywords or phrases. By using SEO strategies, you

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3 Reasons to Thank a Dental Assistant this Week

Being a dental assistant is a rewarding career, but it comes with its challenges. Dental assistants juggle many tasks throughout the day, caring for a plethora of patients while anticipating the doctor’s needs during patient care. Some assistants may not feel appreciated for their hard work. Unfortunately, not everyone understands the demands of being a dental assistant, which is why Bryant Consultants is highlighting Dental Assistants Recognition Week (DARW) the

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dealing with angry patients

Avoid making these 3 Mistakes with an Angry Patient

In a perfect world, every one of your patients would be completely satisfied and happy all of the time. But, the reality is that we don’t live in a perfect world. People get angry. Patients say unkind words, whether they were warranted or not, but it’s how you and your office staff deal with these situations that make a difference. More than likely, you’ve dealt with your fair share of

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leadership 101

Leadership 101: What kind of Boss are You?

There is a saying that goes like this, “It’s lonely at the top.” If you’re a boss, then you probably know exactly what we are talking about. Being a boss often means having a thankless job. Of course, you want your employees to do their best because their performance is a direct reflection of you. Still, you don’t want to seem overbearing. How do you show your appreciation without being

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