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steps to making payroll
dental practice management

5 Simple Steps to Making Payroll

You are sitting in your office, feeling stressed, anxious, and paralyzed while staring at your computer screen, looking over your bank account. What do you do? You didn’t just end up here…. you landed here. It started somewhere, and now you have to figure out how to get out of this mess! Pick your head up and get a plan! Let’s take some actionable steps together and help you get

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build your dream team

7 Tips for building your Dream Team

Every corporate office dreams of the day they will have the best team, the dream team. Employees also look for and hope to find the office dream team that’s perfect for them. Most companies strive to build the best workforce possible, but that’s not always how it happens. What is the difference between those who develop their dream team and those who struggle to build one? For those who are

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increase patient case acceptance
dental practice management

4 Steps to Increase Patient Case Acceptance

Increasing your rate of case acceptance is one of the best ways to grow your dental practice. In short, if more patients agree with your recommended services, you’re going to do more business and make more money. If it were that easy, though, every dental office would be enjoying high acceptance rates. Bryant Consultants recommends following these four steps to increase your patient case acceptance. 1) Word of mouth matters 

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flexible office hours
dental practice management

Tips for Establishing Flexible Office Hours

To run a successful dental practice, that means setting apart your practice from your competitors. One way to do this is by offering non-traditional hours for patient care. If you’re considering making this chance to boost your practice, Bryant Consultants came up with this list of factors you should consider. There are several types of non-traditional hours Extended hours means offering care outside of the normal 8 a.m. to 6

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googles new update

What does Google’s new update mean for your SEO Strategy?

“Hang on, let me Google it.” You know that a website is well known if its name becomes a widely used verb, and that applies to Google, the most popular search engine today. Google recently made an update that it touted as its most important in five years. How will this update change the way you market, specifically as it relates to SEO? In this article, Bryant Consultants will take

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up your game as a receptionist

3 Steps to up your Game as a Receptionist

A career as a receptionist can be a rewarding choice. You have the opportunity to be an important member of a functional team that is all working toward the same goal. There are several paths you can follow in any industry, and on those paths in your career, there are multiple levels of positions you can obtain. However, as you advance within the industry of your choice, you will need

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