5 Ways to make the Best of a Toxic Work Environment

make the best of a toxic work environment

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Although it can be difficult to remain professional in a negative environment that is not conducive to positivity and growth, there are ways that you can overcome toxic situations. Some offices feed on passive-aggressive behavior, conniving opinions, destructive gossip, condescending others, and an insurmountable amount of negativity, making it difficult to focus on your work or even desire to go into the office each day. To help you navigate the negative waters in which you may be swimming, Bryant Consultants is sharing five ways to make the best of a toxic work environment.

Maintain a Positive Mindset

Many people believe that maintaining a positive mindset is a “crackpot” or an unrealistic way of looking at situations. However, several studies have shown that a positive mindset could, in fact, alter the progress of your day. When you start your day with a positive approach, it sets the tone for the rest of the day. If you run into negativity at work, try to remain positive and find humor in situations instead of grumbling and complaining. Just as negativity is contagious, so is positivity. So, listen to some upbeat tunes that make you happy, look at some photos that make you smile, or take a few minutes to find your happy place when encountering toxicity and negativity in the workplace.

Avoid Engaging in Workplace Gossip

Although avoiding gossip can be easier said than done, it is one of the best ways to remain neutral in a toxic environment. Sometimes it can be difficult to avoid the extra juicy gossip of a coworker. Still, when you mentally choose to create boundaries about joining the discussion, you could find it easier to tune out the gossip. In turn, the effect on your positive mental mindset remains intact, you remain calm, and your productivity level could increase as well. It can be difficult to tune out others, so when you are able to take a break, step away from your desk or workstation if allowed and go for a walk around the building. Not only should that help avoid gossip, but walking has shown to reduce stress levels.

Find a Source of Inspiration

If your office is a source of negativity, it can be tough to feel inspired. Sometimes it can help if you speak to someone about the toxicity in your workplace like a spouse or roommate. However, the more you think about the negativity in the office, the stronger the feelings become. Therefore, you need to find a source of inspiration outside of the workplace that brings you joy and happiness. Whether you love to paint, read, cook, or ride horses, find something that fills your soul that could help provide positivity throughout your day.

Focus on Self Improvement

An important coping tool with a toxic work environment and negativity is to realize that sometimes you cannot control what other people say or do. You can only control your reaction to their behavior, which will then release you from worrying about their negative behavior. By releasing you from worry, you should be able to concentrate fully on improving yourself even in the most negative workplace situations. Whether learning to type faster, becoming more organized, or arriving to work early instead of late could help you positively deal with your current toxic workplace. But it should also help you increase your skills for a new position if you choose to change employers.

Stay on Track

Working in a toxic environment for a long time could possibly damage your self-esteem, leaving you with feelings of depression. Unfortunately, depression could affect other areas of your life, causing additional problems. However, it is important to try to stay on a positive track by conducting yourself with integrity and professionalism no matter the surrounding circumstances. Also, always keep moving forward and progressing in your career as others could see your actions as inspiration to do the same.

When faced with a toxic work environment, it can be difficult to stay with that employer. If you are struggling with your workplace environment, reach out to your boss or someone you trust.  Bryant Consultants has experience working with workplaces just like this, and we offer solutions that help transform teams. If you would like to learn more, contact us today!

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