Best Practices for Handling Customer Complaints Post-Pandemic

handling customer complaints

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Aristotle once wrote, “Anybody can become angry—that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way—that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.” If you work in the service industry, you probably understand the truth behind this statement. Remaining calm and helpful when interacting with an upset customer can be improbable, if not impossible, without a solid grasp on how to handle customer complaints. Shelter-in-place orders across the state left many people antsy, and they may not put their best attitude forward when they go back out into the world.

At Bryant Consultants, we understand the dynamic between customer and employee, no matter what type of business you have. We also know those customer complaints can put you and your staff in between a rock and a hard place. That’s why the small business coaches at Bryant Consultants developed this list of tips to help you better manage customer complaints post-pandemic.

Conflict Doesn’t Have to Mean War

Conflicts with customers should be more like a negotiation or parlay. Resolving the issue at hand, in a way that will keep your client satisfied, can be achieved with proper etiquette and training. Just follow these simple tips.

  • Choose Your Customers’ Side: The old phrase “the customer is always right” may not be absolutely true, yet it holds some validity. Your customers may have a problem, but they should always know you are on their side—even if they’re in the wrong. Every service-based business in the world is operable in part due to its customers. You and your employees wouldn’t be where you are if it weren’t for those customers. You’d be working for someone else or, even worse, unemployed. Customer satisfaction and approval matter more than anything.
  • Don’t Take It Personal: In most situations, a customer complaint isn’t directed towards an individual. More than likely, the vast majority of custom complaints you hear about pertain to grievances with the services rendered. Even if a customer complaint is directly about an employee, it doesn’t mean you should take it as a personal attack. When responding to the complaint, never make the customer feel personally insulted or demeaned. Instead, make sure the customer feels heard.
  • Be An Active Listener: Actively listening, preparing your response, and speaking in a supportive yet relatable manner will help to dissolve most customers’ anger. If you repeat what the customer has said back to them, it can prevent misunderstandings. Being empathic with your responses will dissuade your customers from feeling as though you’re giving them automated responses or being rude. Phrasing and tone can be paramount when showing a customer their complaint has been heard and will be addressed.
  • Be Thankful: Products or services rendered have cost your customer money. They are financially supporting you and your business, so be thankful. Gratitude can’t be undervalued. Reassure your customers that you’re thankful for their support and that they brought an issue to your attention. Being thankful goes a long way to show a customer that you’re on their side—even if that customer is unhappy.
  • No Corrections: Avoid words like actually, literally, or other wording that might make it seem as if you’re “correcting” a customer. You want to avoid correct phrasing because your customer is upset. Contradictory, argumentative, accusatory, or corrective statements are the last thing angry people in any situation want to hear. The same logic holds in a situation where a customer is complaining. Positive statements and proper etiquette, whether face to face or over the phone, will go a long way. Remember the old saying: “You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.”
  • Resolution: When dealing with a customer complaint, a resolution has to be reached. Otherwise, your conflict will just create another conflict. If you can resolve the problem with a solution that your customer is happy with, then it’s a win-win!

Business Training and Consulting

Remember to remain patient, and continue providing your employees with the resources that they need to be successful. If you are having issues with customer complaints or struggling to understand how to incorporate these tips, consider hiring an experienced business consultant like those at Bryant Consultants. We can train you and your entire team on how to handle customer complaints effectively and efficiently—which is what your customers expect from any professional business.

The services offered by Bryant Consultants can help you refine your vision, establish goals, and set processes in place to evolve your business. Contact us by calling (877) 768-4799. We provide consultation, training, and coaching to help improve the operations of your business so that you can provide exceptional results. Are you on social media? We are too! Please connect with us on Facebook and Instagram to remain up to date on the latest helpful tips that we share.

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