Reasons why Google Reviews mean Everything to your Business

why google reviews are important

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The rise of internet use for daily transactions such as buying and selling products and services will continue to grow as more users join the online community. With an astonishing number of people using Google as a search engine to find answers and information for many topics, how your business appears in the page rankings can dramatically impact your business growth. Therefore, the small business coaches from Bryant Consultants share why Google reviews mean everything to your business and how to ensure you receive numerous positive reviews.

  1. Increases Your Visibility and Search Engine Optimization

Google tracks your business ratings and increases the visibility for those with high ratings. It also increases your visibility based on how much engagement occurs between you and your customer or patient. Once there is a collection of good reviews, your business could appear in the Google Local Pack, a list of the top three businesses based on location. Therefore, the small business consultants highly recommend asking your customers or patients to provide a quick review of your product or services they receive.

  1. Potential Customers Seek Good Reviews

Often, consumers read online reviews before purchasing a product or service to help them decide if the product is one they would like to purchase. Approximately 91% of consumers will always or sometimes read the other reviews before making a final decision to purchase. Also, 84% of people who read online reviews trust them and would be more likely to think of it as a personal recommendation. Finally, about 74% of consumers state that a local business with positive reviews is more trustworthy than one without any. With quality reviews from your customers, you could increase your online business presence. According to small business marketing professionals, you could also generate additional customers without increasing your marketing budget.  

  1. Increases Customer Interactions

No matter where your customers decide to leave a review, responding to the review promptly, good or bad, improve your relationship. Recognizing and responding to feedback illustrates the level of care your business has for others. As you answer, Google recognizes your response and rewards you with a rank increase. The dental practice consultants advise clients to respond to every review within 24 hours to increase online visibility in the search engine results.

  1. Website Click-through Rates Improve

After your business gains high reviews, internet users are more likely to choose your website and further investigate your business. The benefit is two-fold as it exposes your company and products to the user, and it shows Google that someone is interested in your business. Our professional online marketing consultants explain that as more guests visit your website, you drastically increase the likelihood they will directly call the company and become a new customer or patient.

  1. Google is the Search Engine World Leader

Google is a major search engine of the internet and typically has 70% of online searches flow daily. As a leading provider of recommended businesses, you want your business to appear stellar through Google reviews. So, devise a proper, discreet way to request a cheerful customer or patient review during your conversation. Therefore, the dental practice marketing consultants express you must train your employees to ask for a Google review from your patients before leaving the building at the end of their next visit.

How can I help my customers submit Google reviews?

Ask! Customers have good intensions, but don’t assume they will automatically submit a good review just because they had a positive experience. You can simply ask them to leave an online review or send a follow up email after their purchase that allows them to click on a link that takes them right to the appropriate place to leave a review.  If you leave customers to complete the task in their own time, most will forget, and your business lacks social proof of the quality of care in your business. For a few tips to help your customers submit a Google review, feel free to check out the expert online marketing coaches blog post.

Small Business Consultants

If you would like to learn more about how to ask for reviews or what to do when you receive a bad review on Google, schedule a consultation with our business coach, Tyra or please contact Bryant Consultants by calling (877) 768-4799. We provide consultation, training, and coaching and will continue to post relevant to help you grow your business. Are you on social media? We are too! Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram to receive our latest updates or tips to help your business.

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