How Dental Offices Can Absorb Increased Fees Post COVID-19


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Suggestions on how to best absorb the increased fees related to post COVID19 return to work.

Purpose: Maintain a reasonable overhead for the additional expenses incurred from  COVID-19 CDC and OSHA expectations.

  1. D9999 code Pre-procedural rinse. (unspecified adjunctive procedure)
    • Charge 10.00
    • Code would require a narrative such as” Pre-procedure rinse of _________ provided for patient prior to dental procedure to reduce risk of COVID19 spread.
    • Suggest submitting code for every visit.
    • Submit code with narrative attached on a separate claim to prevent denial or hold up of your procedure.
    • Documentation in clinical notes is required.
  1. D1999 Code COVID-19 PPE (unspecified preventive procedure)
    • Charge 10.00
    • Code would require a narrative such as” COVID 19 requires increased personal protective equipment for routine care to prevent the airborne spread of disease.
    • Suggest submitting code for every visit for 60 days per ADA suggestion
    • Submit code with narrative attached on the same claim as the D9999 charge.
    • Documentation in clinical notes is required.
  2. Fee for Service Practice would pass that fee onto your patients by increasing each service 10.00 or add a D9999 code for Advanced COVID 19 Protection fee 10.00 -20.00. You can use the D1999 code for the 60 days being suggested by the ADA.
  3. To ease your submission process, create auto narratives inside your practice management software for the above codes. This will ensure that each claim has the proper documentation required for the codes to be considered for reimbursement. (DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP)

NOTE: The codes that are beings suggested for use are CDT codes that are recognized by dental insurance companies. Each dental insurance policy may choose to cover or not cover the codes being submitted. It is in the best interest of the business and the patient’s safety to increase your level of patient care and charge for it.


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