Here’s Why 2022 May be your Best Year Yet

2022 best year yet

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It goes without saying that the pandemic has made life, especially running a dental practice, rough. As dental practice consultants, we understand the ups and downs most of you have experienced and are well aware that some practices faired better than others once they reopened their doors during COVID. You likely learned a lot during the pandemic, even if those learning opportunities stemmed from mistakes. But here’s the thing, you can’t change the past. So, let’s use your energy to focus on a new year – a new chance to get it, not just right, but better than ever before. So today on the blog, we’re sharing why 2022 may be your best year yet!

“But we’re still in the midst of a pandemic!”


Experts agree that COVID isn’t going anywhere any time soon. So, the sooner you, a business owner, learn to live with it, the better off you’ll be. Times have changed, and we realize that change may be difficult for some. But you have to embrace change to survive and thrive. Patients are back in the office and have been for a while. Maybe your practice stays booked solid for weeks or months in advance. But a jampacked schedule isn’t the only measure of success for a dental practice. Here are some other ways to ensure this year is more successful than ever before.

Make staffing shortages work to your advantage

Nearly every dental office has been dealt with unexpected staffing issues like team members quitting to care for children learning at home or leaving to care for a loved one with COVID. Regardless of the reason, the chances are good that you’ve dealt with staffing shortages. And if you’re actively trying to hire, right now may seem like the worst time. But it’s not! Make it work to your advantage. Keep your hiring ads active and fresh, and your eyes peeled for the next great hire. Your neighbor or trusted friend could turn out to be the best front office staff member you ever hired. It’s a competitive hiring market right now, and it’s vital that you spend your time and money hiring the right person. We also recommend investing in your current team members with dual training. It helps them feel valued within the practice and can be an excellent part of their continuing education. You could also offer new patient incentives, paying a bonus to team members that bring in new patients, which could pay off much higher dividends to your practice in the long run. And, your team members will appreciate the extra boost in their paycheck.

Don’t let inflation scare you

It’s been years since our country has experienced significant inflation, but it’s natural and expected, even if we don’t like it. We’ve seen increased employee wages, and the cost of rent, utilities, dental materials, and PPE continue rising over the past year. Don’t view that as a disadvantage or allow it to drive your fears. It’s happened, and we can’t control it. But you can control how you react to it. Practices often have success in this area by slightly increasing their treatment costs. While this can seem unfortunate for your patients, they, too, are experiencing inflation and higher costs across the board. Therefore, they likely won’t be surprised when they see some price increases. You can help lessen the blow to them by encouraging them to take advantage of preventive services covered by insurance, which helps alleviate the need for emergency or restorative dental care, ultimately saving them money. Perhaps you offer an in-house membership plan for patients without insurance or if you’re considering ditching insurance altogether. Just don’t do anything crazy like cut your employee wages, skimp on PPE, or cut out fun team engagement activities and ventures that could crush morale. That only creates a vicious cycle with a bad ending! Additionally, focus on your personal finances, ensuring you’re saving enough and paying off your debts to free up your cash flow. If you need financial advice, we can help point you in the right direction.

It’s been a tough road, and there may still be some bumps ahead of us. But changing your perspective and realigning your goals could be what sets this year apart from the rest. Bryant Consultants is a family-owned consulting firm that can help dental practices reach their full potential and more! If you would like to learn more or schedule a complimentary one-hour consultation, please get in touch with Bryant Consultants by calling (877) 768-4799. We provide consultation, training, and coaching virtually or in person. To ensure that you receive the latest updates, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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