Tips for Using Downtime to Recenter your Practice Goals

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Business goals are an essential aspect of any practice. Although you may have the best technology and employees, there is always room for improvement. The coronavirus pandemic may have you suddenly finding a lot of spare time on your hands. It may be time for you to recenter your practice goals. One of the easiest ways to determine when and where improvements are needed is to step away from the day-to-day activities and look at your practice from the outside. What better time to do this than NOW! But, it is knowing where to start that is a challenge for most. Today on the blog, Bryant Consultants is sharing tips for creating practice goals.


An easy way to establish goals is by using the SMART method. When you create goals using this method, your goals will be designed to foster a clear and mutual understanding of expectations for performance and professional development. So, follow the chart below as a guide for actionable and attainable goals.

S Smart What do you want to accomplish? Get detailed.
M Measurable How will you measure your progress? Think of data.
A Achievable Can you reach your goal? Think of skills and resources.
R Relevant Do they align with your practice objective? Branding.
T Time Sensitive When do you expect the goal to be reached? Time limit.

Efficiency Improvements

From scheduling patients to completing paperwork, a review of daily activities could unveil an opportunity to increase efficiency. For example, there may be an unnecessary step in a process that could be removed, saving time or money. Additionally, asking patients certain questions prior to their appointment could reduce extended wait times in the office. Wherever the inefficiency occurs, use the SMART goal method to help you create goals you and your staff could exceed by executing a plan of improvement.

Team Member Development

Your team members were hired for their knowledge or training that would aid in the success of your practice. However, both the individual members and the whole team should be dedicated to some level of self-development, which can even be done virtually throughout the COVID-19 shutdown. Whether through reading books, attending virtual seminars, or hosting online team-building exercises, developing your team should help in the success of your practice. With advancements in the dental industry, your staff must be trained with new developments to effectively execute their daily duties. Therefore, spend some one-on-one time with your staff, outside of an annual review, to inquire about their desire for personal development and establish a method suitable to their personality to help them. Also, set up a once a month team-building exercise that would aid in professional development throughout the practice. There are various virtual platforms available that allow you to conduct online team meetings.  

Generating More Leads and Referrals

Marketing companies thrive on assisting practices in obtaining more leads. However, you and your staff could increase patient acquisition in addition to marketing practices. First, review your records to uncover how many new patients you obtain each month and from where they were referred. Then, speak with your staff about how to increase those numbers outside of traditional marketing methods. For example, if your practice currently averages 10 new patients per month, use the SMART goal method to determine how to increase that number by five each month. Look to outside sources such as fairs, business meetings, or school events to personally reach out to the community. The growth of your practice is every staff member’s responsibility.

Improve Patient Retention

Obtaining long-term patients is a goal of any practice. Once you establish a good relationship with your patient, you want them to return and refer others. Again, review your current retention rate with your established patients to obtain a baseline of the average amount of time patients stay with your practice. If you notice fluctuations year to year, that is normal. However, if you notice a dramatic drop in patient retention, it is time to review the potential reasons why patients are leaving. Then, work with your staff to develop an attainable SMART goal that could help improve patient retention.

Business Consulting in Kingsport, Bristol, and Johnson City

Goals in business assist in keeping focused on the future and the growth of your practice. Without them, practices often lose sight of where they are going and how to get there. By establishing SMART goals with your staff, your practice will thrive. If you have questions about how to turn your practice around, marketing methods to do so, or need general consulting advice, feel free to reach out to Bryant Consultants by calling (877) 768-4799 or contact us and be sure to ask about our complimentary one-hour consultation. To ensure that you receive the latest updates, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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