Leading your team in a dental practice is a challenging task at the best of times because you need to motivate and encourage a number of people, each with different skill and commitment levels. A cookie cutter approach is a recipe for disaster when it comes to leading your team towards successful outcomes and it can dramatically impact your entire practice. To become an effective leader, it is necessary to know what the role encompasses.
Who is the leader? How do you create leaders in the practice?
Your skills, education or qualifications as a dentist do not suffice to be an effective leader of your dental practice. Vast experience as a dental practitioner in a clinic does not equip you to deal with the many hats you have to don as a dental director or leader of dental practice either. Apart from these necessary qualifications, you need to know how to manage people, resolve conflicts, motivate and encourage your team and ensure that the entire group performs cohesively to deliver quality care time after time.

A person who can effectively handle all these roles with equal success is a true leader and it is this skill that allows you to become an effective leader in your dental practice. At Bryant Consultants, we have training programs designed to hone your leadership skills and we teach you how you can lead your team to sustained success.
Supporting the practice vision
Every dental practice has a well-defined vision as well as mission and it is the job of the leader of dental practice to ensure that each member of the team works towards the achievement of this vision/mission. Your team members may all have different skills and talents, but when you leverage these qualities as a collective group it is possible to achieve the toughest objectives and succeed consistently. We give you the training to ensure that the strength of every team member is optimally utilized and that your team learns how to draw support from each other to improve its performance levels. We also show you how, by accepting no less than the best, you can drive your team to self-assess and set its bar high. In this way, the performance level of your team as whole is constantly being reassessed and enhanced. Its time to stop being the adult babysitter and start leading your team!
Understanding your team
To do all of this effectively, it is imperative for you to understand your team thoroughly and to have a clear as well as accurate idea of the individual strengths and weaknesses of your team mates. Only then can you allocate tasks to the most suited members of your team and utilize each person’s skills to drive your entire team forward toward success. Being completely familiar with the team is a core qualification of an effective leader. At Bryant Consultants, we will teach you how to assess the strengths and understand the personalities of your team members. We use DISC and KOLBE leadership materials to help us give you effective training in this area.
Stepping up your game
Once you achieve success as a team leader in your dental practice, the biggest pitfall you face is complacency. Achieving one or a few milestones does not guarantee that you will continue to find success at all times, with all the varied activities that happen in the dental practice. It is important for you to find your inner strengths and discover your niche area so that you can operate from a position of strength at all times, delegate responsibilities when necessary and ensure that all decision-making is done after consultation with the people who have the most knowledge about the subject.
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If you are seeing individual training or total team training to advance your leadership skills and work with each team member’s talents please contact us at info@bryantconsultants.com or call (877)-768-4799 to schedule your training consult today!