Tips To Help Reduce No-Show Appointments

reduce no show appointments

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Everyone has times when something comes up, and we can’t make it to an appointment. We know how that can affect dental practices. How do we make the patient remember that we have a firm schedule? What happens when someone doesn’t show up? Have you experienced the dentist being cranky and hoovering at the front desk, acting as if you have control over whether patients show up or not? They may demand that you send the “no show” statement.

What happens when you’re asked to mail the “no show” statement and the patient calls back days or weeks later apologizing, but their mom unexpectedly passed, or they had COVID and had been sleeping for days? Put yourself in their shoes. In a family emergency, is your dental office at the top of your mind? We have to have empathy. Perhaps instead of the “no show” statement the first time, we should send a card to “check-in.” That would show care and concern as well as grace and empathy.

A Few Ideas to help Prevent Failed Appointments:

How many people pay the fee? Do you spend more time writing off fees and transferring records because you've angered patients?

If you have an extended appointment no-show, it’s a good time to do some deep cleaning and dental work on each other, reactivate patients, stock rooms, internal marketing, and ask the business office if they need help—so many opportunities.

What should you include in a no-show policy?

There isn’t a right or wrong answer. It will be up to each provider and what they want the policy to look like. It’s not a bad idea, though, to enforce a no-show policy or fee if you have a chronic patient that often fails to offer them same-day appointments. 

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