Even in today’s multi-channel support environment, consumers still prefer to schedule appointments and resolve queries over the phone. Good phone skills build confidence in your brand and contribute to customer relationship continuity (yes your patients are customers). We offer phone skills training for dental practices looking to leverage the best practices of customer support and maximize business benefits.
First impressions matter
The initial contact with a business always occurs over the phone, someone calling you for inquiries or more information. When a potential customer (patients) is at the other end, it is critical that your front office team follow suitable telephone customer service protocols. Unless the person on the other end does not get satisfactory answers or feels unwelcome, there’s a good chance he/she will never convert into a customer.

You have the chance to build a relationship through the very first call coming in from a potential customer (patient). Our phone skills training can teach your team how to make a first impression that sets the stage for a lasting relationship with customers (patients). Our training has a high take-up among newer dental practices in the midst of fine-tuning operations and processes. We’ve also helped well established practices enhance their phone customer service and consequently, their customer satisfaction levels by a significant margin.
What does it take to deliver outstanding telephone customer service?
Verbal on-phone communication is as much about tone and energy as it is about words and the right things to say. To deliver effective phone support, you must also be an active listener.
Be a good listener
Active listening demonstrates to callers that (a) you have their full attention (b) you are genuinely interested in what they’re saying (c) you’re taking responsibility for understanding what they’re trying to tell you. The best practices of effective listening are : putting your own thoughts on hold to completely concentrate on what the caller has to say, re-confirming the caller’s message, not talking over the caller and keeping your work-desk free of clutter and interruptions.
Be mindful of tone and inflection
Callers can easily sense your attitude through your tone. A warm and friendly tone assures callers and encourages them to continue communication while a surly and impatient response puts them off. Speak with energy and enthusiasm. Stress on words to make an impact on callers and get across the message clearly or compellingly to them. Even if the person on the other end is aggressive or impolite, maintain the professional and courteous tone of your voice.
Choose your words carefully
Though callers will talk casually with you, remember that you are conducting business. Practice speaking in professional English, where there’s no room for ‘umms’, which indicate uncertainty and do not inspire trust in customer-to-business conversations. Avoid saying ‘no problem’, which may indicate that you’re doing the caller a favor, when in fact, it is your job to handle all requests and inquiries. Make it a habit to say ‘You’re welcome’ or ‘My Pleasure’.
Other telephone etiquette tips recommended by Bryant Consultants include:
- Answering the phone within three rings (the caller may not be ready to listen to you on the first ring and after the fourth ring, you have made him/her wait too long)
- Always offer two appointment options.(remember people customers call with a purpose)
- Get the caller’s permission before you transfer his/her call and ensure that his/her call is answered
Talk to our experts today!
Our phone call training will equip you with the skills and techniques necessary to answering calls professionally and confidently. Fill our contact form to learn more about our training program.