What to Tell your Team

You’ve decided to come onboard. Now, you have to tell your team about your decision. Remember, this entire process is built on trust, and open communication. So, what better way to start than by expressing to your team the reasons why you decided to hire a dental practice coach. Once you make the decision to do a Dental Practice Jump Start with Bryant Consultants, here are essential steps to engage your team in the process.

Step 1: Have a lunch meeting with your team and tell them your “WHY.” Let them know why you’re engaging a dental consultant and what attracted you to Bryant Consultants.

Step 2: Go over what you DO expect from them throughout this Jump Start process! ENGAGE-LEARN- RE-ENERGIZE

  • This is their time to engage with people in the industry that can provide insight and experience from around the country.
  • It’s an opportunity to be curious about how other offices deal with daily, weekly, and monthly struggles in their position.
  • Let your team members know that our coaches have many similarities, as far as our professional background. Our coaches have worked in dental offices just like your team members.
  • It’s their chance to provide 5-Star service during our meeting. Show Bryant Consultants how awesome they are!

Step 3: Explain to your team what you DON’T expect from this process.

  • Doing nothing will get us nowhere! Reinforce the fact that you can’t have disengaged and disinterested team members throughout this process. And that you expect contribution and involvement from every team member.
  • Sitting on the sidelines is not acceptable. Waiting for Bryant Consultants to leave is not going to help the practice grow. Let them know, “if you respect me, please respect my decision to help us all grow.”

Step 4: Provide the team with Bryant Consultants’ website www.bryantconsultants.com, the team survey and request that all team members complete the private team survey and read up About Us.

They can also:

  • Reach out to us on Facebook
  • Follow us on Twitter or Instagram
  • Direct Message us
  • Email us and engage with us (Abby, please directly link appropriate pages for email/direct message for BC)

Step 5: Provide adequate guidance, schedule blocking, and expectation for our on-site visit.

  • Block the training day and plan out breakfast, lunch, and dress code expectations.
  • Make dinner arrangements for you, your partners, and spouses. (maximize the time we are together to get to know us better).
  • Don’t worry about the travel. We’ve got that covered! However, if you have suggestions for lodging or after-hours “must see,” bring them on! We love to learn about the area we are traveling to.

Now that you’ve got your team onboard, it’s time to get down to business! This is going to be an incredible journey, and we’re thrilled that you chose Bryant Consultants to come along side you and your team to make your practice the best. It takes a commitment from you and us for this to work and see results. But you’re well on your way to success!

Have Questions?

Schedule a call with one of our consultants today to find out how we can help!

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